044 561 51 51, 067 325 26 89

Кава по-турецьки

Кава, яку готували багато століть поспіль та поціновувачі якої і досі вимагають особливого ставлення до процесу приготвання даного напою, довіряють приготування кави по-турецьки компанії Best Events Catering.

Coffee in Arabic, coffee in the eastern, in Turkish ... What unites these recipes? Cooking method! Only on sand it is possible to prepare a drink with the thin, sated taste and inexpressible aroma. The drink, prepared in this way, has a special aroma and thick tasty foam. Such qualities of coffee are acquired due to the fact that the dzheva during the preparation of the drink heats up both from below and from the sides. The dishes are heated evenly, which allows you to get the maximum amount of essential oils from coffee beans. The talented barista of Best Events Catering company make coffee at events of all levels and scales.